And that's where the metaphor ends because a razor is a tool; it cuts; it can be helpful or hurtful; it can bring relief or cause pain, but it's an object. And an ezer is a person, a human being, and not an object. More specifically, an ezer is a woman; any woman and all women are ezers by design. And if you're a woman, and you didn't know this before, then today is a banner day because you get to find out something wonderful about yourself. (Guy, you're welcome to lurk on this one, cause this is good news for you, too.)
Remember when you were a kid and you dressed up like Wonder Woman and you kicked the bad guy in the face and saved the world? Nah, me either. I rode my bike and played house. But pretend for a moment that you dressed up like Wonder Woman, kicked the bad guy in the face and saved the world. Well, guess what? You were being an ezer and you didn't even know it!
But this is the deal. Ezer means Wonder Woman. Well, mostly. I'm pretty sure the crown and wrist thingys are optional (and don't even get me started on the bustier).
But, think about it. You've known for a long time that women are strong. And you've known that they get a whole lot done (albeit many times in the background). But maybe you didn't know that that's exactly how God created you! Not to (only) be stuck in the kitchen with the dishes, but also and often to be a powerful ally ruling alongside your brothers.
I know, that "ruling" thing sounds so . . . so . . . unlady like. Rewind to Genesis I:27 & 28. God created human kind in His image (so cool!), and He created us male and female (also cool, right?) and then He told us, US, to fill the earth and subdue it, rule over it. So the picture here is of a partnership, all parties fully franchised, what Carolyn Custis James calls, the blessed alliance. Think not only Adam and Eve before the fall, but also Esther and Mordecai, Miriam and Aaron, Priscilla and Aquila.
As Mimi Haddad in "Why did God Create Woman" notes:
According to Genesis, the only cloud hanging over Eden was man without woman. "It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a helper as a partner" (Gen. 2:18, NRSV). What is the good or strong help that women offer? According to R. David Freedman, the Hebrew word used to describe woman’s help (ezer) arises from two Hebrew roots that mean "to rescue, to save," and "to be strong" (Archaeology Review (9 [1983]: 56-58). Ezer is found twenty-one times in the Old Testament. Of these references, fourteen are used for God and four for military rescue. Here is an example of ezer used for God's rescue of Israel:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help [ezer] comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth (Ps. 121:1-2, TNIV).
Do you hear that? We are created to be powerful allies offering strong help, saving help to our brothers and sisters. Now how cool is that!
(Really, let me know. Cool?)